Triodos Bank considers the consideration and management of conflicts of interest to be essential to protect the integrity of the Bank and its operations. The Triodos Conflicts of Interest Policy describes the operational and administrative measures that the Triodos Bank Group expects will be taken to ensure that conflicts of interest, and potential conflicts of interest, are identified and prevented or otherwise properly dealt with.

All areas of the business review their operations and working relationships regularly to identify potential conflicts of interest and determine where any changes to our operations should be made to prevent conflict from arising. This might mean, for example, changing the duties or management arrangements for a co-worker whose personal or professional relationship with a customer may affect their ability to make fair and objective business decisions in relation to that customer or others.

Only where it is not possible to prevent a conflict of interest, or put measures in place to prevent customers' interests from potentially being harmed as a result of a conflict, we will disclose the nature of the conflict to affected customers. This disclosure will explain clearly the nature of the conflict, the measures we have put in place to manage the conflict, and the risks to the customer's interests which exist because of this.